Stop the Vape Flavour Ban in Canada! Save the Vaping Industry.

Restrictions on vape products continue. The Government of Canada has made announcements to ban flavoured vaping products. This has led to an uproar of responses to stop this measure.

The vape flavour ban in Canada is designed to discourage the use of vaping products by minors. We strictly enforce the government mandate to only sell to adults over the age of 19 and agree that every effort should be made to keep harmful products out of the hands of our youth. However, we strongly stand against the flavour ban. Our customers should have the freedom to choose their e-juice flavours. 

Our customers have Made The Change to quit traditional smoking, many of which have said goodbye to nicotine altogether. Vapes and vaping products have played a major role in thousands of Canadians quitting or reducing their consumption of traditional cigarettes. Although not without their own risks, we consider vapes to be contributing to harm reduction in Canada.

Tobacco Kills has pointed out that vaping has been a life-changing experience for many smokers who have been addicted to harmful tobacco for years or decades. Having the ability to slowly wean themselves off of nicotine with an alternative smoking experience has been significant. 

At Vapours Canada we are committed to providing clean vaping alternatives to traditional smoking. Besides, the youth appeal, the negative effects associated with vaping are predominantly a result of Vitamin E Acetate which we never include in our e-juice. All vape juice is made fresh, in-house in an ISO9001 grade cleanroom.

When first-time customers come to us, they are often looking for a way to quit traditional smoking altogether. That is why we have developed the Make The Change program. We set you up with a starter vape kit and customize the level of nicotine in your e-juice. Each subsequent juice will have a little less nicotine in it so sooner than later you won’t need it at all. 

Studies have proven that vaping is one of the most effective ways for smokers to quit tobacco and traditional cigarettes. A recent Cochrane review report found that vaping was a 70% more effective way to quit smoking than other methods including nicotine gum, patches, and cold-turkey. 

Now, as the government seeks a vape flavour ban in Canada, we are concerned about the effects this could have on ex-smokers who could potentially fall back into old habits and for future vapers who want to quit smoking. Having a regulated and reliable alternative product in Ontario is a must.

A study titled “The Impact of Juul Market Entry on Cigarette Sales: Evidence of Store-Level Sales Declines from Canada” shows the inverted connection of smoking rates to vaping rates. The study showed that for every 1% market gain JUUL received, tobacco and cigarette sales decreased by 0.5%. It is worth noting that this study was only looking specifically at JUUL brand vapes and e-cigarettes and that the entire vape market would have more of an effect on cigarette sales. From this study, we can gather that a considerable number of first-time vapers are ex-smokers, rather than people picking up the habit for the very first time. 

The reverse was also included in this study. It stated that traditional smoking rates increased when people had reduced access to alternative smoking devices. The Government of Canada should be concerned with the thousands of adults that will likely revert back to cigarettes if the vape juice flavour ban is followed through on. 

The Canadian Constitution Foundation has even found that banning vape flavours or restricting nicotine content “may violate s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which safeguards the right to life, liberty and the security of the person, because the nicotine ceiling and flavour restriction may potentially make vaping products a less attractive or effective quit-aid for smokers.” Source

At Vapours Canada, we have always been committed to providing only top-quality products. We will continue to provide the best solutions for our customers and bring awareness to the harm associated with vaping and traditional tobacco smoking. We know that Canada has taken great steps towards reducing harmful smoking prevalence but we still have much further to go. By keeping harm reduction products, like vapes, available we may one day be able to look towards a nicotine-free society.

We encourage you to sign the petition to stop the Ontario vape flavour ban and to share it with your friends. Speak with your local government representatives and voice your opinion on the matter. Together our voices will be heard.

Let us know your thoughts on the potential vape juice flavour ban in Canada.


The Vapours Canada blog is meant to provide education and  information for those looking to transition from smoking cigarettes to vaping e-liquid. These thoughts and opinions are entirely our own, and have been gathered through working in this industry extensively, as well as using these products ourselves for a prolonged period of time. In no way are we claiming vaping to be healthy for the user. If you have any doubts, please consult your doctor to see if vaping is right for you. You must be of legal age in your state/province  to vape.